Etiquettes of Attending a Funeral

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Funerals are an extremely emotional time for family and friends of the deceased. When attending a funeral, it's always helpful to know the basic funeral etiquette, which seems to evolve with the ever-changing global cultures.

While some people still pay tribute to their lost loved ones with traditional funeral services, others have found innovative ways to cherish the lives of deceased loved ones. Here’s a roundup of basic etiquettes to help you pay your respects and express your sympathy properly.

#1 Don’t Skip The Funeral

Regardless of whether you knew the deceased closely or the person was a colleague, a distant friend, or family member, be sure to attend the funeral events, such as a wake, visitation, or funeral service. Contrary to popular beliefs, funerals are meant to honor the living while paying tribute to the deceased, which means your mere presence is more crucial than you may realize.

#2 Arrive On Time

Funeral services tend to start on time, so always make sure you reach a little early or at least on time. It's best manners to arrive a few minutes early to be seated and sign the register book before the commencement of the funeral service.

If, for instance, you do get late due to any unavoidable circumstances, try to find a seat from the side aisle rather than disturbing the service by roaming around in the center aisle.

#3 Recollect Memories Of The Deceased  

While it's normal to catch up with family and friends present at the wake, try being considerate and sensitive toward the heart-wrenching circumstances of the family who has recently lost a loved one. If you sense that the conversation is drifting or becoming too boisterous, try to bring it back around memories of the deceased.  

#4 Dress Appropriately

Contemporary culture has invoked drastic changes in what mourning attire should entail when attending a funeral service. While sometimes the family might request a particular attire to honor the deceased wishes or favorite color, one must make sure that the dress they wear reeks respect. The outfit, in general, shouldn't be too revealing or inappropriate. If you're not too sure, you can always choose the traditional gray, navy, or black attire as a safe choice.

#5 Sparing Use Of Technology  

Funerals today are much different than they were ten years ago, or it’s appropriate to say in pre-COVID-19 times. While phones have always been discouraged traditionally, these testing times may enable those who cannot be present in person to attend the visitation, wake, or funeral service. However, it's best to consider the wishes and comfort of the family if you want to record the ceremony to avoid being rude or disrespectful.

#6 Helping The Family

Be sensitive to the needs of the deceased’s family. This starts from the minute you find out that a loved one has passed away. From cooked meals to helping handle arrangements, funding out information about funeral casket prices, funeral coffin prices, coffin transport vehicle, and more.

If you’re searching for ‘affordable funeral homes near me during these testing times, Funeral Service Concierge houses a proficient and experienced team trained to offer funeral home referral service nationwide. Reach out to us to learn more.